.gov.uk domain name registration

BestHost is approved to register .gov.uk domain names and host their websites.

Please note that we will only register .gov.uk domains if the website is to be hosted on our server. For this, you will also need to purchase a hosting package from us.

Registering a .gov.uk name can be more difficult, more expensive and time-consuming than, for example, a .co.uk or .com name. This is due to the fact that the registration process for a gov.uk domain is handled manually in consultation with Jisc, the UK's education and research network.

.gov.uk domain names are available to UK government departments and agencies and applicants must meet all the eligibility guidelines set by the UK Central Office of Information (COI) . All applications for .gov.uk domain names are put before a committee who decides whether the request meets all the guidelines.

The registration cost for a .gov.uk domain is £150.00. This covers the first two years, with the renewal fee being £98.00 for every additional two-year period.

Eligibility for a .gov.uk name

To preserve the integrity of the .gov.uk namespace the registration/ownership of .gov.uk names is limited to:

  • UK government and devolved administration departments and agencies
  • executive and advisory non-departmental public bodies and appropriate projects
  • local and regional government bodies (including properly constituted town and parish councils)

The official guidelines for registering a gov.uk domain can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/naming-and-registering-government-websites (opens a new window)

Register a gov.uk domain

Transferring a gov.uk domain

If you already have a gov.uk domain and would like to move away from your existing provider and have us host your site, the domain can be transferred to our administration.

We can help you transfer your website to a new hosting package on our servers and ensure a smooth transition from the old to the new setup.

Content Management System (CMS)

We can provide your organisation with a CMS so that you can fully manage your site and its content in-house. For more information, please click here.

UK domain names

Shorter is better!

The new .uk domains are now available.

Register yours now
Content Management System (CMS) for websites

Our Content Management System (CMS) is a flexible and efficient way to manage your site...

Find out more


Webmail is a convenient mean to help you check your email when you are away from your own computer. You can compose, send, receive, forward, search for email addresses and manage email messages from any computer connected to the Internet. Messages are stored with your web space.

Horde and RoundCube are the two applications used to provide you with this facility and are included with all our hosting packages.


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